Testimonials since 2010 ~ I ask people to please send photos and let me see their babies growing up.
I will post some "before & after" pix.
This quote is from one of our Wirehair Doxie owners~~
Bodie Jasper is such a handsome boy, super smart, inquisitive and very observant. I always thought it was funny how much attention I got with my two long hair Dachshunds but Bodie steals all the spotlight. I’m so so happy I adopted him. Thank you so much for my beautiful boy! Tara
Hi Roxie! Allen, Howie and I thought it might be time for an update! Howie is doing so great. He is almost 100% housebroken (his last accident was probably two weeks ago) and he's starting to learn how to "tell" us that he needs to go outside. We are so pleased with that, as we expected it to take a lot longer! He's a smart little guy. Our families love him, too. He's already been quite a hit at a few birthday parties -- Allen has two nephews that turn one this month, and boy does Howie LOVE babies! He also loves his bones, his tennis ball, and an old black sock he "stole" from Allen's dad. That was a funny moment! He is very active, but rests a lot too -- he is the perfect puppy!
-Maureen, Allen, and Howie

Hey Roxie! I hope you and Peanut are doing well! Miles and I just wanted to say hello and that we were thinking about you. He is currently asleep on my lap…(afternoon nap time).
Miles is so much fun…I just wanted to tell you how wonderful and thankful I am to have gotten him from you! Please find attached two pictures of him. He is growing up so fast. Tomorrow he will be 14 weeks! We also have round three of puppy shots tomorrow (which he will not like but as you know it has to be done!). We have been going on some long walks and playing regularly with a lot of new toys. He has developed quite the chewing problem with my carpet. I suspect it has to do with the fact that he is teething! (I can’t wait until this stage is over!)
Other than that he still sleeps with me and gives me all the love in the world. He used to sleep down by feet now…he has to sleep right on my side by my head or in my arm pit. It is pretty cute and funny!I hope you are doing well and give Peanut a kiss for me! Also, how are Pokie’s babies doing? -Megan

~ 2011 Testimonials ~
Hi Roxie!
I just wanted to update you on how Daisy/Indy is doing. (We renamed her Indiana after Indiana Jones because she is so very adventerous) Indy is the cheese to my macaroni we have become the best of friends and she really enjoys being a part of our family. We are so blessed to have stumbled across her. Darin tells me that I am the sunshine of her world which I think is a great thing. She gets along very well with our two cats. Her brother Sebastian loves her the most and they sleep together on the couch, in bed, or pretty much anywhere. She loves to play fetch, chew on bones, run, and tug. She is extremely fast and loves to go on short runs in our backyard. We have also discovered thast she loves carrots and zukes all natural dog chews. We are so lucky to have her as a part of our family and she always gets compliments when we take her anywhere. My parents have also fallen in love with her. I will send some pictured soon:) Hope you and all of the kids are well and have a wonderful Christmas.
Happy New Year!
Chelsie, Darin and Indy < 1/2/2011
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Mom & Dad are having so much fun with the dogs. They called them Peanut and Butter!
Thanks again for being an answer to our prayers.
Tawnya (2-13-2011)
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Shelley in Carmel, IN loves her little "Xander"(5 mos. old). His Mom is Lucy, Dad is a Wheaton Wirehair.

From Andy Case ~ "Cricket's Dad" [B&T smoothcoat]
Wanted to share with you how truly THANKFUL I am to have Cricket in my life! He is truly a perfect pooch & such a little lover! Smoothers me with kisses ALL THE TIME!!!
I think of you often & will to get some pics of Cricket to you soon. . . every time I try he just wants to love on me! Too sweet!
Happy Holidays to your family & your beautiful Doxies! Andy :)
Cathy D. emailed on 3/13/12: that "Cooper" & his "sister", Minx, love playing together. He is a wonderful boy & loves daily walks.
Cooper is our "Sparkee"s brother >
[Pumpkin & Elvis' babies]
~~~~ 2013 ~~~~
Hi Roxie! Wanted to share my photo of Pennee on your facebook for all of your friends and clients to enjoy. Pennee is the sweetest little girl ever! Soon she will be with her forever family a year... Marilynn Woolfrey

Hi Roxie!

I thought i would send some more pictures of Rosie Noel The puppy my parents got for me this past Christmas. She has grown so much. My Mother and I were thinking that we would also bring her up for a visit some time soon so you can see her again. Thank you again for breeding such a loving and wonderful puppy. Thank you, Kyle
NOTE from Roxie ~ Rosie Noel is "P-Nut's" sister.
This is Mia and her best friend. I wanted to thank you for such an adorable puppy. She is our angel. I appreciate so much the pictures sent, the way you kept me informed about our baby. God Bless you, hope you had a great anniversary. Michele

Hey Roxie,

Chelsie brought tears to my eyes; but, they are happy tears. Daisy was my husband's favorite girl and we both cried when we had to let her go. It's odd looking back--Chelsie inquired about Daisy on P-Nut's birthday. She had a family emergency & almost couldn't come. It was meant to be, as are probably 98% of the Doxies that leave us, both adults & pups. Today, P-Nut got his forever home & it was meant to be. I have photos of these Doxie kids & will be sharing, shortly.
Roxie < 1/3/2011
P.S. We don't have cats, so Daisy made her own choice to befriend Chelsie's cats! We know our Doxie kids are smart.
Just give them a chance to shine!
Chelsie just sent these 3 wonderful photos of Daisy, I mean "Indy". Besides being more in love with her each day, Chelsie says Indy is very fast. < 1/4/2011
P-Nut's brother, "Stan" lives in Chicago. His "Daddy", John, updated us on 1-18-11. John says that Stan is doing very well; he weighs about 10 lbs. He's a sweet hound; mostly obediant; a bit overly inqusitive. If anyone wants a recomendation from John--let Roxie know, she'll get you in touch with him!
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Just a brief note to let you know Molly is doing real well. She & our other dog, Journey are fast playmates already. For such a little thing Molly knows how to hold her own. She already knows where the chow is kept & has had a couple of tantrums at the cupboard door. And her favorite hiding place when playing "tag" with Journey is in the bathroom behind the toilet where the big dog can't reach her. She is pretty smart.
Thanks again for helping us make the right choice & preparing Molly and us for her homecoming. We are having a lot of fun. When she gets a little older we will send pictures.
Take care, Ben & Sally (2-28-2011)
~~ 2012 ~~
{Karen & Scott & their 4 lovely children got a brother & sister of "Angel"/"B-J's" litter in Jan.}-- Oscar & Maylee are doing great. We are so happy to have them & fall deeper & deeper in love with them everyday. They had their Vet visit almost two weeks ago & did great. They are so good & totally love being together. Getting 2 (pups) was absolutely the best decision.
~ Karen W. (Carmel, IN)
March 2012 Update on Oscar & Maylee: We got to babysit the kids during Spring break! Photos are on the "Photo Gallery" page.
Below: Here they are in Florida..beautiful adults.
Hey Roxie!
I can't believe we have had Duncan for about four months now. He makes our life so fun and exciting! Duncan runs the house for sure. He loves just hanging out with us and we love him to death! Everyday I can't believe how beautiful he is! Thank you so much for giving us a healthy and beautiful boy.Thanks.
Emily, Kyle, and Duncan.